Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sick House

So today hasn't been all that good.
This is how the day went today(Wed)
5:30 am-Alex comes to our room telling us he peed the bed. Get him changed and let him get in bed with us.
8am-Wash his sheets
1130am-Get his bed made up.
3pm-We are outside, Alex poops his pants. Figure he just didn't want to come inside to go to the bathroom
3:15 all cleaned up
3:45pm-Alex pukes all over the couch. Yuck.
4pm-Get Alex out of bath and into clean clothes
4:10pm-Alex pukes all over Andrew's blanket on the floor
4:30-get Andrew's blanket in the wash
4:35-puke again
4:36-yep, more puke
4:40-you guessed it, more puke.
5pm-hmm, haven't seen any puke in a while, must be getting better. Still don't give him any supper as he says he isn't hungry anyway
6:30pm-Alex is hungry, give him some popcorn chicken
7pm-good, must be better, haven't seen any puke for a few hours. Give him some milk
7:30-he wants a yogurt smoothie, hasn't thrown up previous milk so figure should be ok
8pm-goes to bed
9pm-wakes up puking again. Strip the sheets, pillowcases and clean him up. Give him Andrew's quilt to use as it is the only big one available.
9:10-yes, more puking. And yes, he got it all over the quilt.
9:30-yet again, more puking. We have run out of clean sheets, pillowcases, and blankets. However his quilt(the one he peed and puked on once today) is almost finished in the drier.
10pm-yep, he is at it again
1030-even more coming out. Get him in a fresh pull up as he sat in the puke. He finally goes to sleep and stays asleep.

11:30pm-Andrew wakes up, I fix him a bottle. I then hear Aidan start throwing up. Great.
11:32 get Aidan out of bed, take clothes off. Bring him into living room with me while I feed Andrew.
11:45pm-Put Andrew back to bed. Strip Aidan's bed and put fresh sheets on it.
11:55-Put Aidan in bed. Realize I forgot paci, go to get it off dresser, he pukes again.
12am-Strip bed and him again, get him clean. Decide to fold the clothes as we have a ton as I have done at least 12 loads today! He throws up once more.
12:25-Put fresh sheets on his bed.
12:30 put Aidan to bed.
12:39-I think I just heard Aidan throw up again, off to go check.

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