Friday, March 12, 2010

Andrew's 18 month checkup

Andrew had his checkup a few days ago. He is 23 lbs 8oz, and 33" tall. On the skinny side, but is consistent at 15% on his growth curve, so no big deal. Had to get his glucose levels checked b/c he had been drinking upwards of 70oz of fluids a day-50 of that water. But all is well.

He is talking so much, guess that is the advantage of sitting in on all of Aidan's speech therapy sessions. He is incredibly active-very physical---running, climbing, jumping down the stairs, any daredevil stunt he can imagine, he will attempt it.

He had his first eye exam a few days ago, Alex also had one. They both have perfect vision, but we were also told that they are both farsighted. Not really sure how those 2 can go together-perfect vision and being farsighted, but OK. No need for glasses for any of them yet, but if we notice any of the kids squinting or having problems readin(mainly Alex right now) then we will go that route. I'm guessing that at minimum that will all have at least reading glasses as almost everyone in my family has glasses/contacts. I think kids in glasses are cute, so no big deal :)

He is also fully off the bottle now, thank goodness! It's been about a week now. We had held onto it since he is still in our bedroom since we have no where else to put him, and with Edward sleeping during the day, it was hard to put him down and make him cry while Edward is trying to sleep. But we've settled into another nap and bedtime routine that seems to be working.

A quick video of Aidan and Andrew a few weeks back:

His 18 month pictures we did a few days ago:

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