Sunday, May 31, 2009

Swimming Fun

We set up the kiddie pools a few weeks back. Of course they now both have holes in them thanks to the neighbor kids deciding they needed to swim too. Gah, hate those kids, but what can you do, Alex is convinced they are his friends and have a fit when I send them away. They won't be allowed in next time. Anyway, Aidan and Alex loved it of course. Andrew-hated it every minute, it was apparantly torture for him. Hoepfully just too cool for him, we will try him again and just let the water sit out all day to hopefully warm up.

We also took them to my grandmother's house, she has a big in ground pool. It was rather cold as it has tons of shade, but Alex and Aidan did really well after they got used to the cold. Andrew again screamed and cried, and Edward ended up just holding him outside the pool.
I bought a shirt/short set that is the internal floatation device in it for Alex and it worked really well for him, seemed to give him more confidence and by the time we left he was "swimming" around on his on.

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