Saturday, May 9, 2009

what's new

Alex has been enjoying swim class, he isn't very good at actually swimming, scared to float on his back, kind of scared to jump in for the teacher to catch him, but he is learning. We had a scary incident where he was in the pool holding the ledge with a few other kids before class started-teacher no where near us yet. He decided to copy his older cousin and jump in. Yea, he couldn't get back to the side, I freaked, ran to him and was able to reach him and grab him up. Scared both me and him, but no lasting trauma. Class actually ends next week and I think we will sign up for another class-just have to find out when sign ups are.

Aidan has figured out how to escape the crib. Fun times here. He boycotts nap most days and takes me 1-2 hrs to get him to go to bed at night. Unfortunately he won't sleep in the big bed with Alex-he just jumps around and I really don't think he is ready for it. I'd like to get a crib tent where I can zip it shut and he can't escape, but I don't want to spend the money for it. He is trying to copy a few words-like "Hi", we heard him say "Bye" once, but it was a random fluke, he does say "UhOh" in correct context and "Hot" which sounds more like "Haaa" Still babbling mama, hasn't connected it to me yet. And we are teaching body parts-he points to a body part, I tell him what it is. We of course can't say the body part and him point to it, but that will come one day. Right now it is just more exposure to language. His finger got shut in the door at the Dr's office a few weeks back. Yesterday the nail fell off. I am assuming the nail has been dead this entire time b/c it was a little weird looking and something hit it yesterday(not sure what-something Alex did) and he came to me and it was barely hanging on. I pulled it the rest of the way off with no pain or blood and it seems like there may be the beginning of a new nail there.

Andrew is a busy little boy. Pulling up, cruising, he can move between two objects as long as they aren't too far away-not walking, just more of a lean and grab while standing. He has let go while standing a few times and was able to stay up a few seconds, I wouldn't be surprised if he was walking within 6-8 weeks. I don't remember the other 2 doing any of this as early-I think Andrew is about 1mth ahead of Alex, who cruised at 10 mths and walked at 12. I don't remember when Aidan cruised, but didn't walk until 15 mths. Still waking up a few times a night for a bottle, hoping that ends soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They look adorable! i believe that Swimming classes should be something that a person takes up when young. Kids enjoy it most of the time anyway!